Philip Rickard Factory closing. A message from Mr. Rickard.
I started my adventure with Hawaiian Heirloom Jewelry in the 1980s.
The vendors that at that time were supplying my little store would always seem to deliver pieces that were not the best. As I grew increasingly frustrated with the errors and poor quality of work, I decided to just make it myself. As I thought, rather overconfidently, “how hard can it be?”. I installed benches, hired employees, and started working on letter design and scrolling patterns… I didn't have a clue where this would take me, the challenges, or the personal self-growth it would bring to me.
Around the same time, I was asked by a customer about the history of the Hawaiian Heirloom Jewelry and brought up the locally accepted story that Queen Victoria of England had gifted a bracelet to Queen Lili’uokalani. I decided to make a one-page synopsis of this story to hand out to customers and inquired to Windsor Castle in England about the particulars. The response was a dead end. There was no gift of a bracelet from Queen Victoria to Queen Lili’uokalani. This became the trigger for what was to come.
It was at that point that I fell into the rabbit hole of life, on a journey of forty years, from which I am still dizzy. Six years later, after repeated trips to England and endless hours of research, I completed and released my book on the History of Hawaiian Jewelry. I had located the original bracelet Hoomanao Mau (which is now in the Iolani Palace collections) and discovered that an English jeweler was making enamel and engraved jewelry in Honolulu at that time. Also, during the research, I uncovered the story of the Aloha Oe bracelet, the gift of the Queen Lili’uokalani to Zoe Atkinson. All this led to a crescendo of multiple stores, an outlet in Japan, online sales, and countless Hawaiian gatherings across Japan. We created new designs, new lettering, multicolor gold items and stayed with the original practice of glass enamel lettering, designs, and the original thickness of the Queen’s bracelet. All the way keeping the quality and designs the best that could be made.
I didn't really have any time to stop and think about it over the years. There was always a new customer who wanted something custom made, and I enjoyed each new challenge. I cannot tell you the level of intense emotions, tears of gratitude, and hugs of customers that occurred around this simple task of ordering and receiving our custom Hawaiian Heirloom Jewelry. I understood that these pieces are the link connecting past and future generations, and a lasting remembrance of special moments.
I have enjoyed immensely my long career creating the wonderful Hawaiian Jewelry, so many memories and stories. But as with all stories, there is a beginning and so there must be an end. And at this time in my life, it is time to retire.
I have always said that the Hawaiian Jewelry was about family. I will always remember our customers and dedicated employees as a huge family of Aloha.
My sincere thanks and well wishes for a good life to all.
Philip Rickard
We will be accepting orders for new and custom items until July 1st, 2024. After this date, the website will continue to operate selling the limited existing stock only.
その時、私は人生というウサギの穴に落ち、40年の旅に出た。それから6年後、度重なる渡英と果てしない研究の末、私はハワイアン・ジュエリーの歴史に関する本を完成させ、発表した。私は、オリジナルのブレスレット「ホオマナオ・マウ」(現在はイオラニ宮殿のコレクションに収蔵されている)を探し出し、当時ホノルルでイギリス人宝石商がエナメルと彫金のジュエリーを作っていたことを突き止めた。 また、調査の過程で、リリウオカラニ女王がゾーイ・アトキンソンに贈ったアロハオエ・ブレスレットの物語も判明した。これらのことが、複数の店舗のオープン、日本でのアウトレット、オンライン販売、そして日本全国での数え切れないほどのハワイアン・ギャザリングへとつながったのです。私たちは新しいデザイン、新しいレタリング、マルチカラーのゴールドのアイテムを生み出し、ガラスエナメルのレタリング、デザイン、そして女王のブレスレットのオリジナルの厚みを守り続けました。そして、品質とデザインを最高のものに保ち続けました。